We use the GSA placeholder %url% which allows GSA SER to automatically inject random URLs as specified in your GSA SER project.We randomly insert either a relevant YouTube video or an Image into your article, in random positions.We randomly generate between 5 – 11 paragraphs per article.We scrape content ( articles, videos, images ) relevant to your keywords and then fuse it into spun articles.7 Tier Project – GSA Search Engine Ranker Data Pack.5-Tier Project – GSA Search Engine Ranker Data Pack.3 Tier Project – GSA Search Engine Ranker Data Pack.2-Tier Project – Churn & Burn GSA Search Engine Ranker Data Pack.1 Tier Project – Churn & Burn GSA Search Engine Ranker Data Pack.
We currently produce four different kinds of data packs(GSA Campaigns), as follows:Ĩ.5 GSA Search Engine Ranker 1 Tier Data pack install GSA Projects We Can Create We fully set up a tiered GSA SER project, provide 50 emails per tier, do all the settings and filters, and then provide you with a single file to import to have a fully ready-to-go GSA Ser tiered campaign. We spin everything together, add random videos or images to articles, prepare the “about us” section, the video section and much more. We create each GSA project from scratch and scrape the web for content such as articles, videos and images relevant to your main keywords. This is where GSA Search Engine Ranker Data Pack come to the rescue. It takes some time to set up an entire project as you need to get a lot of articles, spin them in GSA tokens for your links and anchors, and add your videos, their descriptions etc., and a bunch of other content fields and loads of filters to select from. Unfortunately, it could be a bit confusing when you first try to set up a GSA SER Project. GSA Search Engine Ranker (GSA SER) is one of the best-automated web marketing tools available on the internet today.